raeburn place - gingerbread.jpg


Salon Director


Kym’s been with medusa for 15 years and is salon manager of the Grassmarket salon, but is still continually looking and learning to hone her skills – its not enough to be just a good stylist, but to be the very best stylist she is capable of becoming.

Kym’s experience is reinforced by technical knowledge - for the Wella Master Colour degree, Kym achieved an exceptional 98%, and she has now been teaching others for almost ten years. Aside from the day-to- day work of making clients look and feel fantastic, she also participates in industry training events, fashion shows, and editorial photo shoots, and has won many industry awards (including the title of Medusa Fantastic Hairdresser for three years in a row).

“My most enjoyable area of my working life has to be my clients - without them I'm no one! I love suggesting tweaks and changes for their hair priding myself on trying not to do the same thing twice, whether it's changing  colour from cool to warm, drying hair from straight to  waves, I always like to experiment when the client is game for shaking things up a little…and subtle changes can often change how confident a person feels about themselves.”

Kim has many regular clients, and it can sometimes be hard to get an appointment with her. For this reason, she invests a lot of time on teaching and making sure the next wave of stylists are equally as much of a perfectionist as herself.  As joint owner of the Grassmarket salon, she is responsible for making sure everything in the salon is tickety boo (did I really just say that?) and running like clockwork.

“I genuinely love to 'catch up' with my clients and want to know what's happening in their lives, and, as the conversation twists and turns down many a path,  I love how often I stumble upon something that I never knew and that helps me in my own life. You can learn an awful lot when you cut hair if you listen - I’ve even learned a fair bit about web design….just from cutting hair”

Away from the hustle and bustle of Edinburgh, Kym is an animal lover at heart, and is at risk of converting her home into an animal sanctuary.

AMA (ask me anything) 

QQ: Your worst hair day ever ?

A: All of my teenage days!

(Note: if anyone has embarrassing photos of kym in her teenage years, extra bonus points will be awarded for sending them to colin@medusahair.co.uk)


Q: Best part of the week ?

A: Sunday morning breakfast


Q: Colour that makes you happy ?

A: All shades of green


Q: Song that last made you cry

A: Pink floyd-wish you were here


Q: Least favourite hair trend ever

A: Short spikey crowns à la mullet, why???!!!

(hmmm, is there something triggering this anger?…by any chance, does anyone have a picture of kym wearing a mullet when she was a teenager????)