raeburn place - gingerbread.jpg


Senior Stylist


I Worked for the company 20 years ago to senior stylist level and then got chance to manage a salon distribution Center working closely with top industry professionals but missed the salon and returned 4 years ago in which time ive developed my colouring skills and enjoy working with clients to achieve the colours they often struggle to explain.

AMA (ask me anything) 

Q: What is your greatest achievement ? 

Having my boys 

Q: What has made you swear most loudly in the past week ?

A: Home schooling

Q: If I wasn't a hairdresser, I'd be… 

A: A midwife 

Q: Favourite line in a song 

A: Dont hustle me woop woop dont f*ck with me woop woop 

Q: Favourite emoji ?

💩 cant deal with people talking 💩

Q: Cat, dog, or xbox ?

A: Cat 😻

Q: The house is burning down….what object do you quickly rush back in to recover from the flames ? 

A: Hibs scarf 

Should “baby ever be put in the corner” ? (with reference to the movie Dirty Dancing)

A”: I prefer to smack their arse and put them under the stairs 🤣🤣

…They’re darlings all the time obviously.